Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Be Ruthless When Downsizing

I spent most of the day re-organizing my flea market stock into yard sale stock and I was forced to be quite ruthless. After the few yard sales I've had over the years I've always taken unsold merchandise to a local charity. Once out of my house, the stuff doesn't get back in.

I won't see much reduction in "stuff" in my basement until I start having some yard sales, though. This Saturday was a possiblity but it's supposed to rain. If the rain holds off I'll put out signs on the main roads to direct people to my house. I really want to have at least 3 yard sales this summer because I'm determined to do some heavy duty clearing out.

My suggestion for anyone clearing house or holding a yard sale is to be totally ruthless...you want to get rid of stuff, not make a lot of money. I've gone to a few yard sales since I got home and I'm perplexed by the high prices some people put on their merchandise. They're going to be toting a whole pile of it right back into their houses while wondering why buyers refused to pay $10 for a used footbath. I've priced almost all of my stuff at $1-$3 so it should sell well, I hope.

Once I have my yard sales organized I'll start clearing out my closets. I do this every couple of years because I have a tendency to buy too many new clothes while I'm in Florida over the winter. There are always items I thought I'd love but didn't so my daughters can have first choice and the rest will go to charity. I know I don't buy sensibly but at least I'm not squandering money on drugs. That's my reasoning and I'm sticking with it.

The carrot on the end of the stick is the knowledge that all my present possessions will not fit into the apartment I'll be moving into in a couple of years. Clearing out is not because I'm a neat freak, it's just a necessity. I don't want to end up a little old lady living in a tiny apartment with just a pathway through junk piled up to the ceiling on either side.

I'm pleased with my progress today but there's much more that needs doing. All in good time, though, because tomorrow is supposed to be sunny and warm. Perfect for lounging in the backyard and reading a good book!

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