Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Tamil Protests

The Tamil immigrants to Canada have been causing terrible disruptions in the lives of Toronto commuters. The way I see it is that they ran away from Sri Lanka because of the turmoil there but they are demanding that we Canadians go there and fix things. Why didn't they stay in their own country and fix it themselves?

When a battered wife shows up at a hostel, she is taken in and clothed and fed. She is given job training and other necessities of life. We don't go back to her abusive husband and turn him into a model husband. We might throw him in jail if he has broken the laws of our country. But we have no right to go into another country and subject the citizens to our laws.

It has always angered me when immigrants bring their religious or clan disagreements to Canada and expect to carry on just as they did in their homeland. The same holds true for immigrants who come to live in our peaceful country and then expect us to go over to their homeland and fight their battles for them.

If you want to change the atmosphere in your homeland, stay there and work on it yourself. If you prefer to live in a more peaceful country then come to Canada and behave yourself.

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