Friday, May 01, 2009

Evening With the Impersonators

Mary, Faye, and I went to our annual end of April impersonator show last night and had another wonderful time. We went early to a favorite restaurant which doesn't take reservations and managed to get a table this year, too. I'm always surprised at how much we still have to talk and laugh about but we really enjoy our time together.

It was pouring rain and that sort of put a damper (no pun intended)on our enjoying the downtown walk. The trees are all in blossom and I'm sure it looks lovely down there in the daytime.

Tom Jones, Rod Stewart, and the BeeGees were well impersonated by the talented singers who entertained us. A lot of women stood up and danced to the music which was fine except if you were the poor souls who had to sit behind them. One woman ran up on the stage dancing all over the place and wouldn't get down until the singer pointedly ignored her. The music did make you want to move, though, so I sort of understood her misguided enthusiasm.

While we were waiting in the lobby for the show to start, a newspaper photographer was busy taking pictures of the people standing around. We joked about going up and asking them if they were somebody important. Soon he wandered over to the table where we were sitting and sipping wine and askedif he could take our picture.

"Sure", we yelped and quickly huddled together to pose for him. Now we were "somebody important", too!! It's supposed to be printed in the newspaper so I hope it makes it.

We've already made plans to repeat this evening again next year.

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