Friday, May 01, 2009

Swine Flu Furor

I'm a little confused about the media coverage and the hysteria associated with Swine Flu. The news reports today stated that there have been 51 mild cases reported in Canada so far. Think about it...51 cases of mild flu in the past few weeks. How many Canadians have been diagnosed with cancer or some other deadly disease in the past few days, let alone weeks? How many people world wide have been diagnosed with cancer today alone?

The way I look at it, you have a darned good chance of surviving the flu but cancer is a hard illness to beat. Why isn't there a bigger outcry about the increasing number of people diagnosed with cancer? Is it because we'd have to face the fact that the chemicals that surround us are what's causing it? Think how many big businesses would go belly up if we removed all chemicals from use. There are noxious and poisonous chemicals in the food we eat, the furniture we live with, the grass we relax on, the products we clean with...and the list is endless.

Speaking of chemicals...I went out looking for weed killer and ended up buying Roundup again. I guess it's chemical composition is changed now and it doesn't work very well. One less chemical in our lives plus a few more weeds isn't the end of the world, is it?

One more chemical in your happy meal could cause you to grow another head, though.

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