Sunday, May 03, 2009

Moving In

I lucked out and didn't have to help my daughter move into her new house yesterday but I did get to go to the victory dinner. The house is an older townhouse but it has tons of room and possibilities for her and it's in a great area. I walked in to find the whole family crew sitting in the livingroom and only two looked as though they were worn two eldest daughters. Their grown kids and a girlfriend looked as though they had plenty of stamina left to go out and party. My daughters (sorry, ladies) looked like death.

After a tour of the house we left for dinner at Jack Astors. The dinner was fine but this is where my granddaughter began to fade so we didn't dawdle after we finished eating. The men and the girlfriend were holding up well but I bet my 3 ladies hit the sack before dark.

This morning I'll be helping get the kitchen in order but that doesn't involve much lifting so I'm assuming it won't wear me out. I know if I'd been involved in carrying all that stuff into the house yesterday I probably wouldn't even be walking today.

I know I'm too old for the heavy stuff but my daughters are just reaching the age when this discovery will come to them also.


Kim said...

When I went to bed I could hear the (small) kids playing outside. Ya, 8:30. I slept till 8:30 too. Too old for that stuff. But to stubborn not to.

patsyrose said...

There's a difference between your age and mine. You'll recover quickly from your aches and pains.

You did good, girl!