Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Tragic Loss of Tori Stafford

Normal people ask, "What would possess a grown person to abduct, sexually assault, and murder a helpless 8 year old girl?". It is incomprehensible to the average person why anyone would harm a child like this.

The couple who perpetrated this horrendous crime look relatively normal. He's a 28 year old man and she's an 18 year old woman. What sick needs were they fulfilling when they took this tiny little girl and savaged her? People like this should be tucked away in small cells for the rest of their lives and never allowed to communicate with another human being.

This won't happen, though. They'll be given a "fair" trial which will cost the taxpayers millions of dollars and that will include lawyers who will claim these bastards should be given leniency because they suffered some sort of deprivation in their childhood. This is when I wish we still had the death penalty in Canada.

Another thing, Tori's mother deserves our apologies. I, for one, was convinced she'd killed her own daughter and had no sympathy for her because she was reacting so strangely. It's appalling that she had to suffer the loss of her child and not receive 100% support from the public. There is more than one tragedy here.

The hard work and expertise of the police department has made certain this couple won't repeat their depravities on another child and, for that, we can be grateful.

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