Saturday, May 23, 2009

Yard Sale Junkie

I held the first of a proposed 3 yard sales this morning and sold $36 worth of merchandise. Not a lot but it's a start. I put signs up on the main road near my house and then sat back with Swedish weaving in hand for the hordes to arrive. No hordes arrived. Dribs and drabs of bargain seekers did show up, though, and I was very pleased to see them.

My next door neighbor brought out a few large items to sell and someone got an excellent bargain by buying 4 brand new wrought iron patio chairs complete with cushions for $100. There is no doubt that yard saleing can save you money, especially if you're the buyer.

I'd started out with a dozen boxes of merchandise and ended up being left with 8 of them unsold. I kept my word and loaded them in the car to take to St. Vincent DePaul but darned if they'd moved and I couldn't find them. Off I went to the Goodwill store and darned if they don't refuse to take donations at that location and I had no idea where another location was.

There was no way I was carting those 8 boxes back home so off I went to an area known to have second hand stores. I found one and went in to ask if they'd like to have them and thank heavens they did. I can't believe how difficult it was to give away some really nice stuff.

Now, about the title of this blog. On my way to find somewhere to dispose of the "stuff" I saw quite a few yard sales but felt embarrassed to stop when my car was filled to overflowing with things I wanted to get rid of. By the time I found the second hand store willing to take it all I had almost lost any desire to yard, anyway. But, and it's a big but, my heart still fluttered a bit when I saw yard sale signs on the drive home. I didn't stop, though.

My name is Pat and I'm a yard sale junkie.

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