Tuesday, June 09, 2009


I worked like a little beaver yesterday and, in the end, got all my jewelry down in the rec room and out of the computer room. There are still way too many flea market boxes down there for me to have a neat office for the jewelry but you can actually see the beginnings now.

As I looked around my newly cleared computer room, I realized I've been amassing another product...books. It's difficult for me to dispose of my books but it looks as though I may have to have another cleansing spree and do just that. There was a time when nothing else was going on in my life and I read about 30 books a month but these days I'm so busy with other things that I don't have much time to read. And then there's the problem of falling asleep when I do read.

I still say that being ruthless and getting rid of stuff (anything) that you don't use or have no more need of is the most liberating feeling. The more stuff that leaves your house forever the lighter your spirit will feel.

I've made another momentous decision too. I'm going out to the flea market today and I'm putting a "50% OFF" sign on my table. I was going to close it permanently at the end of July anyway but my brother-in-law suggested I start cutting my prices now which would help me earn a bit of money from the sales. If the stuff does start to sell, I'll leave the 50% off sign up and continue to stock the shelves until the end of summer but I'm definitely not renting a table again next year. Any unsold merchandise will go out in yard sales or to the Salvation Army. Once I make up my mind to do something it gets done.

On the negative side, I think a raccoon is living under my back porch.

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