Monday, June 08, 2009

What a Weekend

Friday I had my first jewelry selling show and learned a little something. Saturday we attended my nephew's wedding which was only my second outdoor wedding and the weather held out nicely. Sunday we attended a bridal shower for one of my grand nieces. Sunday evening our immediate family went out to dinner to celebrate my grandson's 25th birthday.

This was one busy weekend that I enjoyed a whole lot but was glad to see end. I guess the part I worried about most was the outdoor wedding because this was held on a farm and just where do 200 people go if it rains?? Other than the slight worry about rain spoiling the wedding, the rest of the events were pretty well worry free. The jewelry either sells or it doesn't; the shower was being hosted by 3 other family members; someone at the restaurant was cooking the birthday dinner. I was just along for the ride.

This is going to be the first free week I've had in a long time but I'll keep myself busy with puttering around doing the odd things I like to do. Its so nice to have the freedom to pick and choose instead of having to plan around committments.

I'm going to wash floors today and rearrange the basement so that I can put all the jewelry stuff down there. They don't take up much space but look sort of unsightly piled into areas of the computer room. Now that I'm hell bent on clearing out all the flea market boxes from the basement I'll have room to spare and a much tidier house. Projects like this are time consuming but I enjoy getting things organized. My mess is actually organized mess but, unfortunately, only I recognize that.

One day at a time.

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