Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Life After Ebay & Flea market

Now that I rarely sell anything on Ebay during the summer and now that I'm gradually getting out of the flea market business, my life is getting a lot calmer and easier. I'm not sure I like it.

My new interest, jewelry selling, isn't taking up much of my time but I don't want it to. I know I need a pastime that's not demanding because I'm tending to age a year every year. Maybe when I'm in my 80's I'll be content to spend most of my time reading but not yet.

I've told my daughters that I wish I'd been interested in becoming an entrepreneur many years ago when I had plenty of time to jump in and really make something of a business. Now I just want something to play at but something more than 3 shows a year because my mind needs more of a work out than that.

I often wonder how women my age used to fill their days a few generations ago. My grandmother had a tiny little apartment that didn't take long to keep tidy but she did cook and bake. She didn't watch T.V. or do handwork but I don't remember her sitting around much. I guess she just puttered.

My mother was a clean freak and spent most of her time cleaning. She cooked like me, basic stuff only. Her eyesight was too bad for her to watch much T.V., do any handwork, or even go outside much so her days must have been difficult to fill.

My life is ever so much easier than my mother's or grandmother's and I sometimes feel guilty about that. I'd be lost without the computer and my car. Those are the big improvements in a senior lady's life these days, I guess. One gives us better access to the world of information and the other gives us better access to the world.

I think about my mother and grandmother often. There is an affinity between female relatives that carry on from generation to generation and I feel that what I do with my life is a direct result of what they did with theirs. We learn from our elders and then we take what we have learned and transcend it into how we design our own lives.

My life is still forming and I'm not sure what my next step will be. Isn't it fantastic that life doesn't end at menopause and that we can continue to grow in almost any direction we choose? Now I do like that concept.

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