Friday, June 19, 2009

Reunion Woes

If anyone could see my computer desk and it's immediate surroundings they would understand how I am able to lose things. There is so much paperwork surrounding me that it's a miracle I don't lose myself in it.

My Florida park reunion is in July and I kept all the information securely in a clear folder at my desk in Florida where it still sits. I realized my error a few weeks ago and had a friend bring her's to me so I could make copies. I have absolutely no idea where I put those copies.

Last night I e-mailed 2 friends and asked them to send me copies which I printed out, stapled together, and will place in the middle of the diningroom table so I can't miss them. There's still a 50% chance I'll head off to the reunion and leave them lying on the damn table, though. Maybe I should keep them in the car but it's already filled with too much stuff and I'm afraid it will get lost in the crowd.

After I declutter my house I will declutter my desk and then declutter the car.

At least I'm never bored.

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