Thursday, August 13, 2009


Eclectic...selecting what is considered best from different systems or sources. Composed of elements selected from diverse sources. One favoring no particular belief or practice, as in philosophy or art, but selecting from all.

This is me in a nutshell.

My garden is eclectic and so is my home decor. I like a lot of different styles and I don't mind bunching them together because, in my eyes, it creates an interesting texture. When it comes to clothing, I choose comfort at all times but usually stick with traditional things like pants and shirts. Today I finally slipped out of this boring mold and ordered my first salwar kameez.

One of my friends is an Indian lady and I've been hounding her to take me to Toronto to buy one of these outfits. They consist of a longish tunic top that just flows over the body with no restrictions and a pair of long, loose pants which taper in slightly at the ankle. The whole outfit is so comfortable you could sleep in it.

Mavis told me today that there was a store near my house that sold this kind of ethnic clothing so I went there this afternoon. I have to say it looked junky on the outside and the inside but the clothing was Bollywood gorgeous. I wanted it all but I'm sensible enough to realize I have to jump into this slowly.

The saleslady showed me many outfits that were just too ornate for my tastes (right now I'm looking for something to wear out everyday and not to a party). The fabrics, colors, and decorations were beautiful but probably not suitable for a little old caucasion lady to wear to the grocery store. Mavis had shown me one of hers that was a simple poly/cotton navy with slight embroidery and that's what I wanted to start with. There's nothing like that in this store but the saleslady told me I could go out and buy my own fabric and she'd make me an outfit from that. Whoopee!

Off I went to Fabricland where I was faced with miles of fabric but no area specifically with poly/cottons. Everything was mixed together and the saleslady there told me they didn't have time to sort all the fabrics into their own separate areas. Crap! Poor managing, if I do say so myself.

I ended up almost walking out of the store but one bolt of fabric in the remnant bin stopped me dead. It turned out to be 100% polyester but the pattern and color was gorgeous. It doesn't resemble traditional Indian fabric but then I'm not traditional anything so I bought 6 metres (I only needed 5 but I like to make sure I have enough). The saleslady at the Indian clothing store didn't bat an eye when I gave it to her to make up for me.

I asked for changes of course. I didn't want the tunic as long as they usually make them and I didn't want the pants as baggy as they usually are. Only the traditional silk or gauzy fabrics look good made the right way and I'm still just dipping my toes into Indian fashion. I want it my way first before I jump headlong into the full Bollywood glitter but I'm seriously considering buying that Bollywood glitter to wear at my Florida park's New Year's Eve party.

I think the whole world would benefit if we were all eclectic and not confine ourselves to the status quo. Try something different once in a while because you just might discover you like it.

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