Friday, August 14, 2009

Safe Injection Sites For Toronto

There's a proposal for Toronto to provide injection drug users a safe haven to do their illegal injections. It's more likely a safe place for injection drug users to go and continue their road to suicide. It is, in essence, enabling them.

Instead of spending tax dollars to provide a place for criminals to more easily commit suicide why aren't these same monies spent educating the children about the horrors of drug use while they're still in school?

I'm not against needle exchange sites and I don't believe these poor sick individuals should be thrown in jail. I just don't think a "community center" for illegal drug users is a smart way to spend tax dollars. Bleeding heart liberals would bleed us dry if we went along with every stupid idea they came up with.

If we do all we can to educate children and provide them with counseling when life gets too tough for them, we've done all we can. Sometimes people make a conscious choice to use drugs or abuse alcohol and those people have to face the consequences of their choices.

I once saw a documentary about a park I believe was in Sweden. This park is for drug users only and it was like watching a horror show. These poor, lost souls were given a spot where they could practice their deadly addiction with ease and I've often wondered if that freedom made their addiction worse. The addicts looked like zombies...not yet dead but not completely alive, either. Is this what we want for Toronto?

Beware of bleeding heart liberals. They too often have their heads up their you know whats.

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