Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Me: 0, Casino: 1 more

I love the casino but it just rubs it's hands in glee when I show up. Yesterday was another horribly hot day and I didn't feel like doing anything productive so I went to the casino. I lost again.

At least my guardian angel always gives me a little nudge about staying away and yesterday it happened again. I'd sat playing one machine for about half an hour and decided to cash out and move to the one beside me. I moved over and a lady took the seat I'd just vacated. Moments later the bells on her machine (the one I'd just left) went off and she won over $600. I congratulated the lucky lady and tried hard to mean it but why does this sort of thing happen to me?

I take pride in my ESP and wander the casino until a machine seems to draw me to it but I get bored staying in one place too long so maybe that's why I'm a loser.

Another thing that happened at the casino is that I found a change purse crammed full with what I presume was money...I didn't open it. I turned it in to the cashier so that was my good deed for the day. And I still lost!

Will I go back? Sure.

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