Saturday, September 05, 2009

4th Yard Sale Done

Yard sale #4 is finished and there is no more flea market merchandise left to dispose of. I'm so happy but so darned tired that I can't really enjoy the moment.

Faye got here around 7 A.M. with Tim Horton's coffee for us and we began to fill the tables. At 7:30, I drove up to the main street and put our signs up. I was a little worried because the apartment building on the corner was having a huge yard sale and I thought that maybe people would think my signs were for that one and not mine. Not to worry...the apartment building drew lots of customers and many of them followed the signs to my house, too, and we were fairly busy all morning.

We closed up shop at noon, boxed the leftover merchandise and took it to the Salvation Army. Then we went to a Lebanese restaurant for shwarma and some other thing I don't know the name of. We'd never been to a Lebanese restaurant before so it was interesting trying something new. The owner brought us a sample of tabouli when we questioned him about a few different dishes. Faye loved it but it was too strong tasting for me.

When we got back home, the tent we'd used for sun shade had been taken down by Kim and Cindy and they'd even put my big patio table back in the yard. Sweethearts! I was so tired that I just wanted to take a nap but then I couldn't sleep. So here I am on the computer. I can nap anytime.

I can't stress how relieved I am to be rid of the flea market stock. It was fun doing that for quite a few years but the fun stopped a couple of years ago and it had become a drain on my strength. Carting heavy boxes of glass around is a burden I don't want to deal with anymore so today I am free. My sewing room, which held most of the flea market stuff, is now emptier but still holding too much craft stuff. It's funny how, once you start to purge, you don't want to stop and that pile of craft stuff won't be there this time next year.

I've made major headway in cleaning out my house this summer but there are miles to go. It'll have to wait until 2010, though.

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