Thursday, September 10, 2009

Beautiful Autumn Day

I know it's not officially fall yet but we've passed the Labor Day landmark that makes us realize that summer is pretty well over. The evenings have a touch of coolness and there's a certain smell in the air of fall.

I bought a nice big pot of yellow mums today and set them on the front porch, ready to plant in the garden before I leave for Florida. Hopefully they'll live through the winter and flower again next fall. I just might use them on the display table over at the Mohawk Garge sale on Saturday, too. They'd really brighten up the table.

Speaking of the sale...I've been praying to the rain gods to give us a nice sunny Saturday (could we possibly have 2 in a row?) and they've been torturing me for a couple of weeks. One day, the weather report is for no rain on Saturday but a day later it's changed and there's a chance of rain. As of today, it's supposed to rain tomorrow and not on Saturday but that all could change tomorrow...or even Saturday!

It's an absolutely gorgeous day today, though. The sun is shining and the air is pleasantly warm. It's the kind of day that you are glad you're alive to enjoy it. And I am.

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