Monday, September 28, 2009

Chatty Baby

I just saw the cutest little video clip on Facebook about a baby girl who appeared to be around 1 1/2 years old chattering away to her father. We don't usually see a child do this but I remember my grandson, Tyson, used to chatter in babytalk in what seemed like conversational sentences when he was maybe the same age.

It seems as though they've picked up the cadence of sentences but haven't developed the ability to put their chatter into words we can understand. I bet they could tell us some interesting things if we could only learn the language.

If I had my life to live over I think I just might become a child psychologist because infant development is so interesting. They all seem to develop in much the same way in about the same period of time but individual personalities are easy to identify almost from birth. I have 3 daughters, 5 grandsons, 3 granddaughters, and 1 greatgrandson who all have distinctly different personalities and all were apparent soon after birth. It's that uniqueness that makes human beings so interesting.

My Tyson was a gabby baby and grew up to be a talkative young man I could philosophize with for hours. Until he moved away to attend university, we'd have his birthday dinner every year and spend much of the time discussing our take on the world. Besides being a terrific young man, he's fascinating to be around.

I can almost guarantee that the chatty baby in the video will also be a talkative young lady in a few years ready to make herself well understood.

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