Monday, September 21, 2009

Life's Lessons

I believe we are on this earth to learn life lessons and, although I try my best every day, there still remain traces of pettiness that I know need to be conquered. Life is just too short to waste it on hatred or bitchiness. Most of us are fighting demons the rest know nothing about and we have to learn to understand even if we can't agree.

I learned one more lesson today. It's at times like this that I wish I had a spiritual guide and maybe it wouldn't take me so darned long to learn the things I need to know to make me a better person. But maybe being told how to behave isn't the right way, maybe we need to find out the hard way. Sometimes being whacked in the face with the error of your ways is the best lesson.

Whoever coined the phrase, "Live and Learn", knew what they were talking about and I just hope I live long enough to pass the test.


Kim said...

How horrible it would be if we knew it all and didn't learn every day. You are a good person and you should be proud of that. You can't condone everyone's actions but you can wish them no harm. When harm does come their way we can care...and you do.

patsyrose said...

I also believe that we should make a conscious effort to be better people each and every day of our lives. It's good for the soul.