Friday, September 18, 2009

Pornography in Public Libraries

I watched some idiot today rave about the rights of people being able to watch pornography on public library computers. He said that, since pornography is not a crime, people should be able to go into our public libraries and use the computers to go online and watch porn...even if children are close by.


It may not be illegal for someone to view pornography but it sure as hell is my right not have my children, grandchildren, or even myself exposed to it if that is my choice.

Sometimes these civil rights idiots go too far and forget that the rest of us have rights, too. Public libraries are in existence because of taxpayer dollars. My dollar doesn't want porn of any kind in those libraries but I know I can't have my way totally. But, if it's socially unsuitable for small children, then it shouldn't be visible to them. That's the easy solution.

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