Sunday, October 04, 2009

Gay Couple Divorcing

Gays have struggled and demonstrated for years to gain the right to legally marry so you'd think that once they won the right they'd be extremely dedicated and committed couples. Not necessarily so.

Like any couple, sometimes the reasons to get married don't stand up to the passage of time or the reality of the commitment. Couples in love and lust are often not understanding that life also hands us the odd assortment of difficulties to deal with. There has been more than one disillusioned husband or wife who sadly discovered previously unknown flaws in their mate that drastically turned them off.

Long engagements give you the chance to learn as much as possible about your potential lifelong companion because it's hard to hide those sometimes icky flaws for an extended period of time. Of course, when in love or lust, we do tend to ignore the flaws and foolishly believe we can change our mate. Rarely happens!

I don't understand why the press is making such a fuss over this gay couple coming to the conclusion they don't want to be married anymore. I'd bet that many of the news people wasting precious air time discussing this are into their second, third, or even fourth marriages.

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