Monday, October 05, 2009

More Stuff Gone

I read once that when people start giving away their possessions it means they're about to commit suicide so I hope no-one thinks that's what I'm up to. All summer I've cleared out a massive amount of possessions in an attempt to unclutter my world but it's all been for my own peace of mind.

Yesterday my grandson and 3 of his friends came over to get my basement fridge and a very good leather recliner that was uncomfortable for me to sit in. The head rest is at the worst possible spot and it pops my head forward so I never sit in it. My grandson is keeping the chair and the fridge went to his brother-in-law. I'm so happy to have it all cleared out of the house.

With all the flea market stock gone, I now have a great area in the basement for my little jewelry business and my sewing room is now a sewing room again. The fridge had been in the laundryroom so now my laundryroom is spacious. The recliner had sat unused in a corner of the computer room so now my computer room is more spacious, too.

This has been a landmark year for me because it was the year I finally took the steps to rid myself of unwanted and unneeded possessions. I was amazed at just how much stuff I'd accumulated over the years and how much of it was useless to me. A large part was the flea market stock but a generous part were things that I'd just neglected to toss out because "I just might need them one day".

I'm a veteran yard saler and it shocks the life out me when I walk up to an advertised yard sale to find a little table with few dozen items on it. Is it possible this household is so neat and organized that they only have a tiny tableful of excess possessions? I can't relate to people like this. Yet.

The boys had to really struggle to get the old fridge up and out so there's a bit of touchup needed on the walls and railing. No big deal and something I can look after next year. I'm just glad to have the fridge gone and no-one hurt removing it. As a matter of fact, each unnecessary item that left the house this year made me just a little bit happier. It's been a productive year in the very best way.

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