Thursday, December 03, 2009

I Had a Nightmare

The other night I had a nightmare about my #1 grandson. Now, I rarely have nightmares but mainly have pleasant dreams each night about everyday life with people I love. This nightmare woke me up crying.

I've said before that, although I can't direct my ESP, I do trust my instincts and this dream seemed like a call for help. So I e-mailed my grandson and my daughter to find out if anything was wrong at home. Apparently there wasn't but, by reading between the lines, I determined that the possibility had existed.

My grandson lost his coveted job last year and has since gained employment in a different field. I worried that he wasn't completely happy with his new job but it seems I was wrong. He's received a nice promotion recently so maybe there's a good future for him there. My belief is that he wasn't secure enough in his own mind until he received his promotion. Losing a job can also result in losing your self confidence and that's what happened to my boy.

I adore this boy. There's no other word for it. He's just too wonderful for words and I swear I'm not prejudiced. I want his world to be maybe I'm being unrealistic but that's how I feel. Anyway, I now feel reassured that all is well back home and I can continue having my pleasant dreams.

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