Saturday, December 05, 2009

Happy as a Clam

Sitting in my little Florida trailer this morning, I smiled as I realized just how happy and content I am at this stage of my life. In any person's book, that is a goal worth reaching, especially when most of my adult life was spent battling depression.

There aren't many hard demands on my time or pressures to succeed so that is a huge reason for my serenity. Retirement can often be just what we choose to make of it, either being busy or just taking it easy. We usually don't have those options when we're in the work world and raising a family.

I thought how little we actually need in order to be happy. We certainly don't need extravagant trappings such as monster homes or expensive cars. We don't need fame or fortune to feel content with our lot in life.

There are only two of my possessions that I overly computer and my car. They could be considered extravagances but I'd be truly lost without them. They both give me access to the world at large and my own world would shrink disastrously without them.

I guess the secret of being happy is to know that you have all that is necessary and anything extra is nice but you could do without it. I have a loving family and friends, a roof over my head, and frozen soup in the fridge. Life is good.

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