Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas 2009

Merry Christmas to my many, many readers (all 9 or 10 of you!).

I woke up this morning to the sound of rain pitter pattering on my roof but this didn't discourage me at all. Today is Christmas and I am blessed.

It's usually on Christmas day that I reflect on where my life path has directed me and I know I'm exactly where I was meant to be and I also know how much I've learned over my years on earth.

This past year brought a new and most treasured member to our family, little Nolan. I don't think I ever thought ahead to the day when I'd be a Greatgramma but I'm revelling in my good fortune. How lucky I am to have seen this day.

I spent last evening in the company of people I care for deeply even though they aren't relatives. Today will be spent the same way and I consider myself so very fortunate to be among these good people. The only thing that would increase my happiness is if my family was here.

Christmas is a good time to look back on all you've survived but it's also a good time to prepare to make yourself a better person. I hope by Christmas 2010 that I've made some headway in that department.

My wish for everyone is that they spend this great day with people they love and that there be peace on their little patch of earth.


1 comment:

bluebird of paradise said...

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas! All the best for a wonderful new year!