Friday, January 29, 2010

Eating Sensibly...-7

I was up at 7 A.M. and weighed myself...fluctuated a bit to a 7 pound loss for the week and I'm more than happy with that. But then I had to wait 2 hours before weighing in with the group and I didn't dare even drink a coffee. It finally turned out that the group leader's scale shows me weighing 1 1/2 pounds more than my own but that's okay. I'll just keep track with my scale but her's is a really good one and very accurate.

It wasn't as difficult as I'd thought to publicly weigh in because only Candy saw the horrendously huge figure, thank heavens. We had a slightly larger turnout this week and one lady was turned away because she refused to weigh in. She said she never even weighs herself at home but judges how well a diet is going by how her clothes fit. My heart went out to her but I understand why this group wouldn't work out if we didn't publicly weigh in each week.

We had our park parade and lunch today and I was very careful with my portions and declined the cake. Good me!

One problem. My nice next door neighbor came over with a little gift for me this afternoon...a piece of sweet potato pie. It's really not very big and my will power is waning.

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