Sunday, January 31, 2010

Eating Sensibly...-8

Life tends to get in the way of our good intentions and that's the primary reason why I can't call what I'm doing a diet. If I made an attempt to follow a strict regimen then I'd be a failure almost every day and the feeling of failure is what sinks most diets.

Yesterday was fine as far as food consumption until suppertime. I had dinner at a friend's and drank 3 glasses of wine and had 1 single little square that she'd made. These things will not be on your average diet but they are things that are normally consumed once in a while. My true concession is that I didn't allow myself to eat more than 1 goodie and that's a success in my book.

I got weighed this morning out of fear I'd done some sort of damage but the scale shows an 8 pound loss. Funny, but my clothes are beginning to feel just a tad more comfortable even though 8 pounds off my frame isn't much. Even if the comfort is only my imagination, it's still nice.

Now I'm off to have breakfast at a local restaurant this morning. This is something we do every Sunday and my plate will hold 2 hard poached eggs and homefries. No toast! This is still a big breakfast for me because my usual is a banana.

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