Thursday, January 28, 2010

Eating Sensibly

The day isn't over yet but it's been a very easy one to control my overeating. I got weighed this morning and am showing an 8 pound loss...up a pound since yesterday but fluctuation is perfectly normal from day to day.

The only problem I've had today is that I probably haven't eaten enough and am not hungry for dinner. This is never wise but I'm still full from a late lunch (Cuban sandwich and 2 coladas which are sickening sweet but absolutely wonderful Cuban coffees). I'm not worried about all that sugar because I consume very little sugar in a normal day. I'm going over to the clubhouse tonight to play Rummoli so I'll probably be hungry enough for some homemade soup or mixed fruit when I get back at 9 P.M. Again, it's not ideal to eat too little or too late but it will have to do for today.

I'm making sure to drink lots of water to flush the impurities out of my body, too. In my case, I prefer water that isn't too icy cold and sometimes even like hot water.

There are certain to be many more days when I have trouble eating sensibly but I'm going to keep trying to do my best for as long as I can. It's always so easy to start a better eating lifestyle than to stick with it so I'm not even going to say that this is the time it will work for me. Every day I manage to eat sensibly will be a success for me and I just won't look too far into the future.

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