Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Eating Sensibly

Yesterday was sort of a tough day for me foodwise. I weighed myself in the morning and was still holding the 6 pound weight loss but all day felt a strong desire to pig out. I forced myself to continue to eat normally...banana for breakfast, egg salad sandwich and small bowl of chicken noodle soup for lunch, and my own chicken pasta supper (possibly a bit too much). I knew that my stomach was full but my desire to continue eating wasn't being satisfied.

Knowing I had to face up to my friends this coming Friday morning and also knowing full well that this has happened with every so-called diet I've ever gone on, I fought the unwanted desire all day.

We played cards in the evening and one of the ladies was our "Eating Sensibly" leader. I told her about my difficult day and she suggested I have popcorn when I went home so that's what I did. It helped me survive until bedtime but I know that if it wasn't for having to write my consumption down and having to weigh in each day I wouldn't have gotten through yesterday without overeating.

Anyone who has ever had a weight problem and gone on diets over the years knows exactly how I've been feeling. We don't overeat because we need the calories but because we need the comfort. It's not so easy to give up our happy pills, is it?

This morning I got on the scale and saw a 9 pound loss...just since last Friday. Now I'm worried that something is wrong with me. Overweight people are just not geared to enjoy success like this and I simply can't accept that this is normal. I know how much I ate over the last 5 days so could I really have been overeating that much in the previous weeks????

Anyway, today is another day and I'll try once again to make it through without overeating.

Note: It's now almost 10 P.M. and it's been a much easier day eating properly. I've also jumped on the scale a few times and tonight it's registering only a 4 pound loss which makes more sense to me. That 9 pound loss I saw this morning made me nervous. My scale just isn't accurate so I'll rely on my friend's on Friday.

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