Monday, January 25, 2010

M.A.D.D. (Mothers Against Drunk Drivers)

I rarely write 3 blogs in a day but I just read something online that irritated the life out of me.

I used to do volunteer work for M.A.D.D. until I discovered how much collected money was actually going to the cause. Today I read a newspaper account saying that only 19 cents of every dollar donated to M.A.D.D. is used to fight drunk driving. The rest is used for administrative costs and to pay fundraisers. This is a terrible charity and one we should never, ever give our money.

My sister-in-law told me to check the website of "Charity Navigator" and that was useful for finding out the administrative costs of various charities but not M.A.D.D. I simply typed that name in websearch to find out about the 19% scandal.

I wrote this blog just to advise people to always research your charity of choice and to find out how much of your donation goes to the right place, not into the fundraisers pockets.

My favorite charity is Give Kids the World in Kissimmee, Florida where administrative costs are only 3% and fundraising costs 5% leaving 92% of your hard earned contributions going to programs. An excellent charity by far!

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