Monday, January 25, 2010

Eating Sensibly

Got weighed this morning and it still shows a 6 pound loss but I'm still going to allow a public weighing this Friday. I'm writing down everything I eat and that makes me think twice before eating a no-no. I remember how well this always worked when I dieted before and it makes a lot of sense because we heavyweights often eat without registering in our minds exactly how much we're eating.

I did well right up until dinnertime when I went out with a gang for a birthday dinner at the Outback. I tried. I really tried but didn't want a salad and everything else is so high caloric. In the end I ordered a chicken breast covered in cheese (and I do mean covered), part of which I removed, and a plain baked potato. The cheese wasn't a good choice but remember I did remove half of it.

I seldom eat in so-called "good" restaurants so I have to preplan what I'll order the next time I go to one. There really is no excuse for me ordering something soaked in cheese so I'll just take blame for it and leave it at that. Poor choices are what got me where I am today.

Because I've possibly lost 6 pounds already I might still have a few pound loss by the end of the week but my biggest fear is that all 6 pounds have returned to their original fat little body. We'll see what the next few days show on my scale.

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