Friday, January 22, 2010

John Edwards..What a Weak Man

John Edwards isn't the first or last man to deny fathership but he's become a symbol for men at their weakest and most pathetic. Men who shirk responsibility for fathering and nurturing their children.

Since the beginning of time, some men just don't have the conscience to acknowledge and take care of their progeny so it's mainly been left to the mother to struggle on her own. The motherly instinct is probably why there are still human beings on this earth. Granted, there are also some terrible mothers but the numbers pale in comparison to absentee fathers.

I'm one of the abandonned ones who never even saw my father once. He spread his seed and then walked away as though creating a child was of no importance. Weak and pathetic man, that's what he was. I could have siblings I know nothing about and who I could walk past and never know we carried the same blood line.

To the men who casually create children they have no idea how much you've lost in this life. Any real father could tell you that you've lost an incredible opportunity to make the world a better place and yourself a better man.

My own father has most certainly gone on to his reward in heaven and I bet he knows now what he missed out on. Me, my children, grandchildren, greatgrandson, and all the wonderful inlaws. We're nice people.

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