Friday, February 12, 2010

Eating Sensibly...-10

I guess I'm doing something right because I'm now officially 10 pounds lighter than I was 3 weeks ago. To be honest, part of my success last week was due to a canker sore under my tongue that made eating a slow and painful process. It was pretty well impossible to overeat.

There are a lot of things I do wrong and maybe I'll be able to correct some of them but just eating sensibly is probably all I'll ever need to do. I don't ever expect to be a size 10 but my basic hope is to just lose enough weight to be more comfortable. However much that turns out to be, I can only benefit from eliminating much of the bad stuff from my diet.

Having our little group meet every Friday morning is a large part of my incentive to eat well each week but I can't count on that when I'm back home this summer. I'm hoping to start up my own little group back home so any of you reading this should let me know if you're interested. Even a group of 2 could help us both!

Today is another day to do my best.

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