Monday, March 15, 2010

Talented Senior

Above is a picture of Audrey and the gorgeous afghan and cushion cover she expertly crocheted for a gift. The picture truly doesn't do justice to the skill she displays in her work. Granted, this is the same Audrey I wrote about a while ago because she'd crocheted a really dumb looking hat but we all have skeletons in our craft bags.

I come across so many people who have amazing skills but who don't realize just how good they are. They practice their craft quietly and usually think of it as a hobby. We need only to visit a country fair and take a look at the handcraft exhibits to see that there are many humble artisans among us.

I wish I'd taken a picture of Candy's quilt at our coffee morning last week. She is another meticulous artisan who strives for and reaches perfection in her crafts. I, on the other hand, am satisfied with less than perfection...but that's okay, too. My stuff is still pretty!

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