Monday, April 26, 2010

Free Day

No, that isn't snow. It's cherry blossom petals from the tree next door. They're the reason I have only a 2 day window to stain my deck in the spring because they open quickly as soon as it's warm and then almost immediately begin to fall. Within a few weeks the cherries will begin to form and then the birds eat them, knocking many onto the deck. Then the stems form a carpet on the deck soon after. Mind you, I'm not really complaining because I love the tree and the beautiful blossoms while they last.

I took my car over to "Reg's", a local car painter, this morning to fix up the clearcoat on my car. A few awful looking spots of clearcoat have disintegrated and it makes my cute little car look terrible. He's only charging me $100 to make my cute car pretty again and it should be ready tomorrow.

Today, I'm housebound and can play on the computer for as long as I please. I could also do some housework but I don't have to if I don't want of the perks of being retired and living alone!

Don, the handyman, will be dropping by to pick up his money for all the work he did outside the house last week. It was money well spent because homeowners have to keep up the appearance of their house if they don't want it to fall beyond repair. My husband used to do all these little chores when he was alive but they're mainly beyond my ability. I can't climb a ladder, for one thing. So Don, the handyman, is a blessing in my life.

My house was built in 1953 when milkmen and breadmen made the rounds, going from house to house early each morning. That's why I have a milkbox with doors opening outside and inside. The men would just slip their wares inside the box each day and collect their money probably once a week. I hate this milkbox because I have no use for it and now I want Don to take it out and replace it with glass block. This would add light to the basement stairway and look pretty besides.

I have no intention of spending too much money on modernizing my house at this late date but the odd improvement increases it's value and warms my soul. I'm really considering replacing the kitchen counter, sink, and taps if I get the income tax refund I'm hoping for this year. We'll see.

Well, I have a whole free day ahead of me. Wonder where my inquiring mind will take me?


Shelley said...

You can't get rid of the milkbox! I remember climbing through it when we were locked out of the house! :-)

patsyrose said...

I'll bet you can't fit through there now, darlin'!!!!