Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Old Lady Blood Donor

Carol may be a senior but she's one of the younger know, she has the years but not the look.

Well, Carol donated a pint of her blood yesterday but didn't rest up long enough because she and some friends were going to the flea market. While at the flea market she was sitting up on a stool trying out a new nail technique when she began to feel woozy.

From all accounts, she went down like a rock, taking out the flea market booths as she fell. Her companions could only think to hold her head up but none of them thought to use their cell phones to call 911. One did say she corrected a vender who was yelling for someone to call 119, though.

Carol remembers slightly coming to and wondering why she was laying on the ground and looking up at the lights. She then heard a man on his cell phone telling 911 that the victim was an "elderly woman" and she had the strength to protest, "No, I'm not!". She must have hit her head in the fall.

An ambulance arrived and the paramedics took her blood pressure which was pretty low. Since she was woozy enough to not be able to stand on her own, they convinced her she needed to go to the hospital.

Off she went in the ambulance while her buddies finished off their shopping! And one of them, also a blood donor that morning, was also becoming a little woozy. They all managed to get home okay, though.

Back to Carol. As she was laying on the gurney, she realized that change was falling out of her pockets so she retrieved it and stuck it in her bra. Strange place but maybe not. When she found out they were taking her for exrays, she dug out as many coins as she could find but she did miss a few. One slipped out from under her boob after the exrays were taken. Upon further exploration, she found 2 more stuck under there. I wonder what all that looked like on the exrays??

The good thing is that she is fine, her blood pressure is fine, and she's back at the park where we played cards tonight, laughing ourselves silly over the story.

Another funny note is that her husband was heard to say, "I knew all that shopping would get her one day". She's now thinking of getting a t-shirt that says, "I Shopped Till I Dropped".

Life is funny as hell.

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