Thursday, April 29, 2010


A friend of mine from Florida referred to her lady friends as "sisters" and that's actually how you come to feel about women you become close to. There is a bond among close women friends that exists because of mutual understanding of our life's struggles. I think women become friends easier than men because we learn quickly who we can trust.

I think all of my male friends are sort of on the periphery of friendship. They're mainly there because I'm friends with their wives or girlfriends otherwise I'd probably not pay too much attention to them. This isn't a mean thing, it's just that males and females don't have a whole heck of a lot in common and I'd rather spend time with someone I can identify with.

Today I'm going for an overnight at the casino with Faye (sister-in-law) and Mary (ex-sister-in-law) who are more than friends, they are sisters to me. I care as much about them as I do for my blood sister. We're going to have a super fun time gambling and eating, and then retire to our room for a couple of drinks and happy conversation. We're three very different personalities but we have one very important thing in common...we're sisters/friends.

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