Tuesday, May 04, 2010

The Destroyers

There are people in this world who wake up each morning and wonder what kind of destruction they can perform that day. They are not the builders of the world and not the ones who spend their lives making the world a better place to live in. They are the ones who have no soul and live only to destroy.

The man who placed a car loaded with explosives in New York city is such a person. His wish was to kill or maim as many people as possible in some sort of sick quest to enhance himself. He was playing God and I'm sure his religion would frown on that.

He's a naturalized American citizen who made a choice only a year ago to live in the land of opportunity but then also chose to cause destruction and death in the country which opened it's arms in welcome to him. How can we understand a human being like this?

How can we understand anyone who has been indoctrinated to destroy? I don't think the average person can ever understand someone like that but we can thank our police and military for protecting us against them. In this case, a watchful citizen and a well informed police force kept this monster from completing his mission of hatred.

Remember when religion meant love for all mankind?

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