As I sat here web surfing I became aware of a movie on T.V. about how a bus carrying a child's hockey team was attacked in Quebec and the children booed at their game. I can't remember what year this happened but it made me feel ashamed all over again. How perfectly shameful for anyone to have attacked that bus and booed the children. We Canadians might not always agree with American politics but demonstrating against these innocent children was disgusting.
I did some research on the web and read comment after comment by Americans saying they'd never come back to Canada again after the anti-American treatment they'd been subjected to. I was again ashamed of some of my countrymen if they had made any American feel this way. We are two countries united by a loose border and we should never forget how similar the citizens of both countries are. In fact, the only difference I regularly find is that Americans are more patriotic.
Yes, we have some cultural differences but none are worth demonstrating against. We are like cousins, close but not identical, and we should behave decently when in each other's country. We should also be able to expect kindness and politeness when visiting each other's country. The idiots who attacked the boy's bus and booed them during the game should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves but I'm betting they felt like big shots. Cowards are pretty tough in a crowd!
I hope Americans understand that all Canadians aren't brutes. I know I'm always treated with respect when I'm in the States but that hasn't always been the case when I'm in Quebec.
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