Thursday, June 03, 2010

Not Till Death Do Us Part

It seems to be big news that Al and Tipper Gore are getting a divorce after 40 years of marriage but I don't see why it should be. I'll bet they've stayed together this long because of his political career. They didn't just wake up the other day, look at each other and say, "I don't love you like I did yesterday so let's get a divorce".

There was quite a dialogue on my local T.V. station that marrying until death doesn't apply anymore because we're living longer. What?? The speaker seemed to think that a lifelong marriage was only good in the old days when the life expectancy was in the 40's. Now that we're living longer, we might not want to spend 20-30 post retirement years together.

The way I see it is like this...if you love or even just really like your mate and if you get along well, you'd be a damn fool to go looking elsewhere once you're in your 60's or 70's. There's something to be said about the quality of life with a companion who is also a good friend.

I know so many senior couples who have wonderful lives together and there's no telling how deep their affection is for each other. They treat each other with respect and kindness and they are very obviously committed to one another.

I know others who show a stiff coolness when they are together and there could be trouble there. To my knowledge, these couples have never seemed to be close or loving so divorce for them wouldn't be a great shock.

Sometimes couples stay together too long for a variety of reasons. Some should never have made it to their first anniversary but they continue to struggle to keep their marriage together, also for a variety of reasons. It's very difficult for couples with children to call it quits. One might be desperate to walk away but can't face the hurt they'd leave behind. These are the couples who most likely could split when they hit their 60's because, in retirement, they might just prefer to live alone than in a strained relationship.

From what I've seen, most senior couples seem to have bonded early in their marriage and become pleasant companions for each other. Caring companionship seems to be the key in building a lifelong, committed relationship in your marriage. You each can have different interests but it's the interests that you share together that bind you. When your joint interests dwindle, your bond can lesson also.

In any case, senior couples need not worry they'll unexpectedly follow in the Gore's footsteps. Either you're safe with your mate or you haven't been for a long, long time.

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