Friday, June 25, 2010


I've been sleeping so well lately that last night came as a surprise. My mind would just not turn off. I know I dozed off occasionally but it didn't last long and then I'd be tossing and turning again and again. All told, I probably got only a few hours sleep and it's apparent this morning. I'm tired and irritable. To make matters worse, the milk has soured and I can't even have a mug of coffee to perk me up.

I have a lot to do today so nap time is out of the question. There's banking, grocery shopping, picking up my passport, and lunch with Donna. Come to think of it, I could squeeze in a nap late this afternoon...and probably will. Seniors have so much "free" time that we can always find a short span to snooze if we really want to.

It must be terrible to be a working Mom who has to put in her 8 hours at a job and then come home to another 8 hours with her family which also requires every spare second of her time. Parents have to run themselves ragged without the luxury of naptime when they need it. Good parents persevere for the sake of the family, though. Bless them!

Well, I can't stop yawning but it's time for me to get busy. I'll be looking forward to late afternoon when I can snooze and snore to my heart's content.

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