Sunday, July 25, 2010

Sad News

I got the news today that my nephew on my husband's side passed away. He'd been so sick for so long that it might have been a blessing. I'm sure his closer relatives haven't come to that conclusion yet but sometimes it's the truth.

I have fond memories of Gerald who was always so gentle and soft spoken. Even in his bad days of severe arthritic pain, he'd make the effort to get out of his bed and come down to visit with us when we were in N.B. He always had a smile on his face and I know how pleased he was that his beloved Uncle Dennis was there to see him.

I'm not sure of Gerald's age, possible early 60's, but he hadn't had an easy time of it for a terribly long time. He did have a family that loved him very much and who will miss his sweet smile now that he's gone.

I hope he runs into his Uncle Dennis and they can reminisce about old times once again.

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