Saturday, July 24, 2010

Eating Sensibly...-10

I seem to be stuck on that 10 pound loss so I've been trying a little harder. I gave up french fries a few weeks ago, not deliberately but just lost my taste for them somehow. I won't question the reason why, I'll just enjoy the results.

I've tried brainwashing myself to lose my taste for potato chips because those and the fries have always been my downfall. I haven't had any chips in a week but still consider buying them once in a while. Each time I get the urge, I try to envision all the fat I'd be clogging my arteries with if i give in. It might be working but we'll just have to wait and see.

One of the good things I do is to fill my kitchen with healthy snacks and don't keep fatty food in the house. I always have fresh fruit, unsweetened canned fruit, low calorie yogurt, and bottles of water ready for any urge that comes over me. The bad thing is that I haven't got the willpower to refuse dessert when I'm eating out at someone's house or a buffet restaurant. I tell myself that I probably only eat dessert a couple of times a month so how bad can it be? Well, it can keep me from losing the extra 10 pounds I promised to lose this summer, can't it?

Over my adulthood, I developed the urge to overeat whenever I was upset and it's become such a deeply ingrained part of my psyche that it's not easy to retrain myself. It's like Pavlov's dog...hurt my feelings or make me mad and I reach for a bag of chips. So stupid! I might need a lifetime or two to retrain myself to reach for an apple instead of those damn chips. But it all starts with one day, and then two, and then maybe one day soon I'll be free of those bad urges.

It would be nice.

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