Monday, August 30, 2010

Depression? Maybe, Maybe Not

I made a firm decision today. I will not live my life with the worry of my old foe, depression, coming back upon me. I don't have the time for that nonsense because there is too much fun out there to be had and I don't want to waste time on a vague possibility that probably won't ever become reality.

I was talking to Faye this morning and telling her about my worries that I won't recognize it if I am sinking into depression. I said that my only clue is that I would tend to overreact to things and she pointed out that I do that anyway and it's part of my normal personality. Well! I'm not sure if I should be insulted but she just could be right.

I do jump into things whole hog and jump out the same way. I really enjoy most things and the ones I don't, I just stay away from so I'm usually a happy camper. Maybe I do become too enthusiastic about my present obsessions and that could be an irritating quality I should tone down. I'm just not perfect, don't you know!

Oh well, today is beautiful and I have a few small chores to tend to and then I can spend the rest of the day doing whatever I choose. Life is good!

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