Thursday, August 05, 2010

I'm 70!

I don't think I ever thought too much about reaching 70 when I was a dumb young thing. If I thought about it at all, it seemed so far in the future that I could just ignore it. Well, the future is now and I'm 70.

I don't feel like I thought 70 would feel like. As long as I don't look in the mirror I can fool myself into believing I'm maybe 50, but 70? It hardly seems real to me. It's not a depressing thought at all, just a surprise that I lived long enough and managed to reach such an advanced age. I wouldn't ever want to go back to my youth if it meant giving up what I've acquired in old age. I don't mean possessions, either, but knowledge and peace of mind.

I have family and friends that I love and who love me. I'm fairly healthy and have quite a few interests. I am blessed. I hope I can say the same when I'm 80 but I have a lot of living to do and a lot of fun to have before that day arrives.

I've said it before but my biggest regret in life is that I didn't get a university education. Of course, there are smaller regrets but they're best left in the past because I have no time for them in my future. I aim to fill my future with nothing but happy moments.

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