Friday, August 06, 2010

Never Grow Up

In one of my birthday wishes, a friend of mine advised me to never grow up and I realized that could be the secret of a happy old age. Don't settle back and think that just because you're a senior your only purpose is to wait for death.

Keep your mind active by learning new things. It doesn't matter if it's how to use the computer or how to play a new card game. Being a senior means you have more time to explore and learn whatever you're interested in.

I really believe it's even more important in old age to be around other people as often as possible. They provide a stimulation to your brain and it's also a way to learn about their hobbies and interests...any of which you might decide to take up, too. The more people you surround yourself with, the more possibilities you come in contact with.

I really love being the age I am and I don't think I felt that way when I was younger. Seniors have so much freedom of time constraints. We don't have jobs to take up our day; we don't have kids to rush home to; we have senior centers where, for a minimal cost, we can enjoy activities of all kinds. Most of today's seniors receive enough pension money to live a comfortable, if not extravagant, life style if they are careful.

My sister-in-law, Faye, and I had lunch at the senior center the other day and I saw how it was filled with happy, active seniors. There is no reason whatsoever for a senior to sit at home alone in front of the T.V. From the cafeteria I could see a step/exercise class in progress and a group of people sitting in the foyer reading magazines. The cafeteria contained tables full of yakking groups enjoying their time together along with a cheap, but nutritious, lunch.

Faye is taking a computer course at the senior center right now but we've both, at one time or another, taken quilting classes, pottery classes, folk art classes, stained glass classes, and woodworking classes. There are also reading clubs and card games that go on which cost almost nothing to participate in. The atmosphere in the senior center is one of fun and happy socialization so I can't understand why any senior wouldn't take advantage of it.

The activities I've described are mostly sedentary ones for lazy people like me but there are also many seniors who are into more physical activity. They've been physically active all their lives and they have no intention of giving it up just because they've reached their twilight years.

My friend, Dee, told me to never grow up and I have no intention of ever doing that. Faye said I have an inquiring mind and I believe that's what will keep me happy and fulfilled in my own twilight years.

Life can be good at any age. It's your choice.

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