Tuesday, August 31, 2010

It's Passed

Well, whatever was bothering me has passed. Saturday I was exhausted with high anxiety of unknown origin, Sunday and Monday I felt fine with only a hint of that awful feeling of impending doom, and today I feel perfectly normal.

Anyone who has had depression knows that very uncomfortable and long lasting feeling of dread in the back of their minds. The worst part is that you don't know what is causing it so it's impossible to deal with.

My ESP works in somewhat the same way but I never associate that with depression, maybe because it's just a fleeting warning that doesn't hang on. I pay close attention to those feelings because they've saved my hide a few times in my life. It's similar to intuition and something we should never dismiss.

Anyway, the anxiety is gone now just as mysteriously as it appeared.

I've decided to go out of the Ebay business, too, and gathered up my tiny stock and boxed it for sale at Mohawk College. I have 2 items on Ebay at the moment, one a terrific yard sale find, but selling on Ebay is something I can do without because there are a lot of things I'd like to embark on right now. I want to take a meditation class if I can find one going on during the daytime and I still want to volunteer at a hospice. The only thing holding me back from the hospice is that it requires 2 months training and I haven't had the time for it.

I also should get back into my story writing. Lately that has required concentration that I haven't been able to muster up. I was also going to have another yard sale this summer to get rid of most of my craft supplies but it was too hot to think of doing. The best thing might be to just take it all to Interval house if it's something they could use.

There is certainly no lack of potential projects on my list and there are many more yet to be considered. My biggest ongoing project, though, is decluttering my house and bringing it down to bare bones neatness. That's going to take a long, long, long time. Sigh!

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