Monday, September 13, 2010

Downsizing Carnival Glass Collection

I'm trying, at least a tiny bit, to downsize my carnival glass collection but it is so darned hard. I gathered together a few pieces to take to the Mohawk College garage sale and did sell two of them. One was a green devilled egg dish which wasn't too hard to let go but the other one was the most beautiful purple jar that broke my heart to sell. I love glass and there is nothing as beautiful in my eyes as carnival glass with all it's spectrum of colors bouncing off each other.

I've never been a collector of anything until I learned about carnival glass about ten years ago. A Florida friend had a large collection and I thought it was absolutely beautiful. She taught me a lot about carnival glass and helped me buy my first two pieces. My collection is small in comparison and mostly what we refer to as new carnival glass (made after 1940) but I love every piece.

I love beautiful things, whether they are glass, fabrics, artistry of any kind, or nature. It warms my heart to look at them. I don't collect anything as an investment but as a daily treat to my eyes. Hell to me would be a world without color or art in any form.

My girls laughed at me when I struggled to let the few pieces of carnival glass go yesterday but they don't like it themselves. That's one of the genes that obviously wasn't passed down to them at birth but I just figure it's their loss. I'm looking at some of my remaining treasures now and it's making me happy. That's what it's all about!


Kim said...

We didn't laugh at how hard you struggled to sell it but at how long you pouted after you had the $$$$$ in your pocket. I have a whole new appreciation for that stuff after I saw how much $$$ it commands :)

patsyrose said...

I told you!!!! You should appreciate it because it might end up being all that's left of your inheritance.