Wednesday, October 27, 2010

New Hairdo

I got my hair cut today and decided at the very last minute to go for a new style. It's a lovely haircut but I'm not sure I like it on me. Maybe it will just take a while to get used to it but I'm never 100% happy with anything on me, clothes, etc. One thing I do like is that my hair is silvering up pretty nicely with some very nice white streaks. I don't mind white hair at all and think it can look as stylish as any other color.

Mary and I got our hair cut and then went out for lunch so it was a lovely, full day spent with one of my favorite people. Mary is the one with the crazy neighbor and her terrible saga is still going on. I've been blessed with the best neighbors in the world, thank heavens, and I always appreciate how lucky I am.

Tomorrow I look after Nolan in the afternoon and I'm anticipating 2 things. One is an aftenoon filled with laughter and fun with the baby. Two is having to wrap at least one of his poopy diapers up tightly in a garbage bag and leave it outside until next garbage pickup day. His poopy diapers are pure toxic waste!

It's been a busy week and I'm looking forward to Friday when I have absolutely nothing to do but clean house.

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