Friday, October 08, 2010

Nolan's Talking

Nolan is 15 months old and starting to say a few words, not exactly what you'd call talking but terrific just the same. I think he's a genius.

I took care of him for a couple of hours this morning and he likes my necklaces because they're colorful. He was sitting on my lap and checking out the one I was wearing and I said, "pretty". He looked right at me, smiled, and said, "pitty". I can't tell you how much it warms the heart and fills me with wonder to watch this little guy learn and develop each day. I'm sure he'll be talking a blue streak when I get back home in April so I'll be missing a lot with him over the next 6 months.

Watching a baby grow and develop is like watching magic happen. Birth is already a miracle when you think about how a little seed is fertilized inside a woman and grows into a perfect human being. These precious little babies grow up learning how to behave in the world mainly by watching their parents so it's important for the parents to be suitable. How some children of terrible parenting grow up to be responsible adults is another miracle.

I love this baby. Sometimes I think about how he carries some of my genes but it wouldn't matter one bit if he was totally unrelated to me, I'd love him just as much. I don't know if he's bonded to me at all but there's not a shadow of a doubt that I'm tightly bonded to him. Just looking at his sweet little face makes me weak in the knees.

Nolan is a lucky little boy because he has excellent parents, grandparents, etc. His role models are all worthy people so there's no reason he shouldn't grow up well. He's already the best behaved baby in the world and a genius to boot. And I'm not biased!

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