Friday, October 01, 2010


I spent part of the morning reorganizing the jewelry stock I'll be taking to MUMC later this month. I've been taking everything I have and it all weighs too much to cart around so I got smart, so I thought, and repackaged some to take and some to leave at home.

Now I only need one suitcase instead of 2 but the one suitcase is still full and weighs the same as before. I'm not sure if this is an improvement. I may have to rethink my logic here.

My cold is pretty much gone but I still have some of the symptoms such as swollen sinuses and a slight cough. I'm just happy that it didn't hang around too long. My nettie pot is in Florida so I can't flush out my the way, that really works for anyone with sinus problems. Each winter I get a severe cold that affects my sinuses for a long time after it's over and using the nettie pot helps soothe and reduce the irritation. Nettie pots cost about $10 and can be bought at Walmart.

Now I've completed my big job for the day and there is nothing pressing that needs doing so I'm going to lounge in front of the T.V. for a while. Life is good.

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